We Count Badges

By Rachel Spence

Four tiles representing each of the We Count badges: Learner, Brainstormer, Collaborator and Communicator

Badges enabled people to showcase their proficiency in the growing fields of AI, data systems and inclusive data practices as well as other skills. Badges, once earned, belonged completely to the earner and could be shared across social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Instagram, to display their achievement and showcase what was learned. These badges were designed to address the interests, skills and availability of diverse participants. People worked with and learned from a range of experts:

  • Industry and public service professionals in data systems
  • Technical and research assistants who specialized in data science
  • Inclusive design facilitators with expertise in inclusive co-design

The badges fell under a variety of categories, such as Learner, Brainstormer, Collaborator and Communicator, and could be undertaken independently or together as part of a continuing project:

  • Learner badge allowed the recipient to show off their knowledge without a comprehensive assessment.
  • Brainstormer badge demonstrated that the earner had helped We Count discover or outline solutions and approaches to in-house initiatives and inclusive design challenges.
  • Collaborator badge demonstrated that the earner had participated in a co-creation or co-research activity.
  • Communicator badge demonstrated that earners had delivered presentations, project reports and visualizations of findings culminated in earlier phases of a challenge activity.

Visit the Badges page to learn more our initiatives and their corresponding badges.
