Tag: “Disability”

We Count Project

Vera Roberts
We Count, a project of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, was created to address bias, discrimination and barriers to participation and employment for persons with disabilities within the field of data science and data-driven systems.
Future of Work and Disability logo

The Future of Work and Disability

David Pereyra
The Future of Work and Disability project formed a study group to understand and examine intersecting topics of AI, automation, standards and employment as they relate to persons with disabilities.

The Accessibility Ecosystem Proposal

Jutta Treviranus
To say that the route to almost all essential services is through digital systems is stating the obvious. Despite this reality, more than twenty-five years of regulations requiring accessible digital technology, a plethora of guidelines and resources to support accessibility, and a thriving industry checking and repairing inaccessible websites, people who require alternative ways to access digital systems face ever-multiplying barriers.