
Support your learning through our searchable research library and discover valuable resources about many topics in artificial intelligence and data analytics, such as AI ethics, bias, and data tools.



  • AI and disability, small minorities and outliers (for the general public)
  • Work for people with disabilities in data science
  • AI ethics and policy
  • AI design and methods (for AI experts)
  • ICT Standards and Legislation


Media Types

European Electronic Communications Code

Media Type: Website Resource
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • Data and Data Security
  • Government
  • ICT
  • Legislation and Law

European Legislation on Open Data

Media Type: Website Article
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Data and Data Security
  • Rights
  • ICT
  • Framework
  • Regulation

European Public Procurement Data Strategy

Media Type: Website Resource
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Data and Data Security
  • Rights
  • ICT
  • Framework
  • Procurement

European Union (Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies) Regulations 2020

Media Type: Website Resource
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • Government
  • ICT
  • Regulation
  • Accessibility
  • Framework

European Union: Italian Data Protection Decree Harmonizes National Law With GDPR Provisions

Media Type: Website Article
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • Data and Data Security
  • Framework
  • ICT
  • Legislation and Law
  • Regulation
  • Government

Europe Fit for the Digital Age: Commission Proposes New Rules and Actions for Excellence and Trust in Artificial Intelligence

Media Type: Website Article
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Data and Data Security
  • Rights
  • ICT
  • Framework
  • Regulation

Europe Fit for the Digital Age: New Online Rules for Platforms

Media Type: Website Resource
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • Data and Data Security
  • Government
  • ICT
  • Legislation and Law
  • Framework
  • Regulation

Europe Proposes Strict A.I. Regulation Likely to Have an Impact around the World

Media Type: Website Article
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Data and Data Security
  • Government
  • ICT
  • Regulation

Europe’s Digital Decade: Digital Targets for 2030

Media Type: Website Resource
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Data and Data Security
  • ICT
  • Framework
  • Inclusive Practice
  • Regulation
  • Rights

Everything on IS 5568 Compliance

Media Type: Website Resource
Topic: ICT Standards and Legislation
  • Accessibility
  • Disability
  • Framework
  • Government
  • ICT
  • Inclusive Practice
  • Regulation
  • Bias


Support your learning through our searchable research library and discover valuable resources about many topics in artificial intelligence and data analytics, such as AI ethics, bias, and data tools.



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Media Types

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