Tag: “AI”

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AI, Fairness and Bias

Jutta Treviranus
Dr. Jutta Treviranus participated in the Sight Tech Global 2020 panel "AI, Fairness and Bias" on December 2.
We Count Learner badge

We Count Badges

Rachel Spence
We Count badges enabled people to showcase their proficiency in the growing fields of AI, data systems and inclusive data practices as well as other skills.

Ensuring Equitable Outcomes from Automated Hiring Processes

Antranig Basman
These automated hiring and matching algorithms, implemented by major corporations such as LinkedIn, Amazon and others can be positioned in the wider context of automated processes, that use machine learning/AI algorithms, and support the infrastructure of society. These systems inevitably result in inequitable outcomes.

Ensuring Equitable Outcomes from Automated Hiring Processes: An Update

Antranig Basman, Raising the Floor - International
For this article, Antranig is considering this problem in the context of corporate apologies for technological practice and initiatives such as data feminism that seek to transfer power from privileged groups to those at the margins of society.
EDS: Equitable Digital Systems logo

Disability Bias in AI-Powered Hiring Tools Co-Design

Arjun Sawhney
In May, we completed our second set of co-design sessions with the Equitable Digital Systems (EDS) project. EDS is a project that explores how to make digital systems more inclusive for persons with disabilities in the workplace.
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Exploring Bias in Hiring Tools

Edward Thompson
This video presentation examines how AI technology is utilized in recruitment and selection, its implications for candidates with disabilities, and the question of accessibility and diversity.

Pluralistic Data Infrastructure

Antranig Basman
The pluralistic data infrastructure supports communities in taking collective ownership of data that relates to them and curating its relationships with data from other sources.