Methodology for Heuristic Evaluation of the Accessibility of Statistical Charts for People with Low Vision and Color Vision Deficiency

Purpose: Statistical charts have an important role in conveying, clarifying and simplifying information, and have a signicant presence in elds such as education, scientic research or journalism. Despite numerous advances in the eld of digital accessibility, charts are still a challenge for people with low vision and color vision deciency (CVD) and create barriers that hinder their accessibility. The research presented in this paper aim is to create a heuristic set of indicators to evaluate the accessibility of statistical charts focusing on the needs of people with low vision and CVD. Methods: The set of heuristics presented has been developed based on the methodology by Quiñones et al. (2018), which consists of 8 stages: (1) a state of the art literature review; (2 and 3) analysis and description of the most relevant information obtained from this research; (4, 5, and 6) selection and specication of a rst set of heuristics relating them to existing heuristics; (7) validation; and (8) rening the set to obtain a nal list of heuristics. Results: A first set of heuristics (17 indicators) has been developed and applied on two heuristic evaluations, and has been amplied to 18 indicators. The final set covers the needs of the user proles with low vision as well as the needs of the CVD and poor contrast sensitivity users. Conclusion: this research is a rst step to widen accessibility requirements to statistical charts and to take into consideration users with low vision and CVD, often forgotten in accessibility research.

Focus: AI and Disability/Outliers
Source: Universitat de Lleida
Readability: Expert
Type: PDF Article
Open Source: No
Keywords: Accessibility, Charts, Graphs, Information visualization, Low-vision, Colour blindness, Heuristic evaluation
Learn Tags: Disability Inclusive Practice Solution
Summary: A summary of research that aims to widen accessibility requirements to statistical charts and to take into consideration users with low vision and CVD.