Discriminating Systems: Gender, Race, and Power in AI

This report is the culmination of a year-long pilot study examining the scale of AI’s current diversity crisis and possible paths forward. This report draws on a thorough review of existing literature and current research working on issues of gender, race, class, and artificial intelligence. The review was purposefully scoped to encompass a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives, incorporating literature from computer science, the social sciences, and humanities. It represents the first stage of a multi-year project examining the intersection of gender, race, and power in AI, and will be followed by further studies and research articles on related issues.

Focus: AI Ethics/Policy
Source: AI Now Institute
Readability: Intermediate
Type: Website Article
Open Source: Yes
Keywords: N/A
Learn Tags: Bias Business Data Collection/Data Set Design/Methods Employment Ethics Fairness Government Inclusive Practice
Summary: This report provides evidence regarding the lack of diversity, discrimination and inequality in AI systems and the workplace, and offers recommendations to address these issues and the challenges ahead.